Analysis of the Effect of E-Service Quality on E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty


Wisnel Wisnel
* Corresponding author:
Eri Wirdianto
Tara Cantika


Service quality is a determining factor for the success of an e-commerce business serving its customers, which has an impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this study aims to measure the service quality of several online e-commerce market-places on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Indonesia. This study focuses on the four most visited e-commerce application providers, namely Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Shopee. The concept of e-servqual and the SEM-PLS analysis method are used in this study. The results show that the variables that have significant effect on customer satisfaction are responsiveness, personalization, and reliability. While the variables that have no significant effect are website usability, information quality, and assurance. Furthermore, the variables that affect customer loyalty and satisfaction are assurance and website usability. Meanwhile, the variables of reliability, information quality, personalization, and responsiveness have no significant effect on customer loyalty.

Kualitas layanan merupakan faktor penentu kesuksesan suatu usaha e-commerce melayani konsumennya yang berdampak pada kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ditujukan untuk mengukur kualitas layanan beberapa e-commerce market-place daring terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas    pelanggannya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini fokus pada empat penyedia aplikasi e-commerce yang paling banyak dikunjungi yaitu Lazada, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Shopee. Konsep e-servqual dan metode analisis SEM-PLS digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap kepuasan pelanggan adalah daya tanggap, personalisasi dan keandalan. Sedangkan variabel yang tidak berpengaruh nyata adalah kegunaan website, kualitas informasi, dan jaminan. Selanjutnya, variabel yang mempengaruhi loyalitas  dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah jaminan (assurance), dan kegunaan website (website usability). Sementara itu, variabel keandalan (reliability), kualitas informasi (information quality), personalisasi (personalization), dan daya tanggap (responsiveness) tidak berpengaruh nyata pada loyalitas pelanggan.


How to Cite
Wisnel, W., Wirdianto, E., & Cantika, T. (2022). Analysis of the Effect of E-Service Quality on E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering, 4(3), 209-222.


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